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Showing posts from July 17, 2022

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC I believe I've reached a point in my career, and used Terraform enough, that I can confidently say that the semver system for managing IAC code bases simply doesn't cut it anymore. I'd love more widespread feedback on how I currently propose we version control our IAC. If the feedback is constructive and forthcoming, I'll move this written piece to a more formal location. This is currently being tested, with extremely positive results, at Cisco (yeah, the networking company.) July 23, 2022 at 05:38AM

Show HN: Zazow – Generative Art Toy (fractals, spirograph, satori, etc.)

Show HN: Zazow – Generative Art Toy (fractals, spirograph, satori, etc.) Im finally ready to share a fun side project that I've been working on. For 20 years, Ive been fascinated with Mandelbrot fractals. Back in the day, I made a MacOS9 app that rendered them, and I missed it. So, I decided to bring it up to the modern age and build a website to explore this and other similar fractals. In the process, I discovered some other types of generative art that looked fun, so I made those too. One is a spirograph, another is similar to an old AfterDark screensaver called Satori (anyone remember that?). Others draw paint splatters and random squiggly lines. The user is given a bunch of interactive settings to control how the artwork is generated. Im hoping to continue adding different styles of generative art to the website over time. Its a fun, relaxing project to work on and I hope other people enjoy using it to create pleasing images. July 22, 2022 at 11:14PM

Show HN: Turn spreadsheets into website designs

Show HN: Turn spreadsheets into website designs Hi HN members, I've been facing this problem recently. As a startup founder, I am managing a lot of Google Sheets. I want to hire a developer to convert it to custom websites but I couldn't find a place I could get it designed. I decided to solve it myself. I tried this out with one company and they were quite happy with the solution. So I'm opening it up to everyone. I'd love to see if anyone else has the same problem. July 21, 2022 at 02:38PM

Show HN: Scribe, a Go library for writing, running, and generating CI pipelines

Show HN: Scribe, a Go library for writing, running, and generating CI pipelines Hi there. This is a passion project of mine I started after spending many painful hours working on CI pipelines. The general idea is that I wanted to stop making flimsy scripts in build & release pipelines and start writing software. I'm happy to answer any questions. Please let me know what you think of the idea and if there's anything you'd like to see. July 22, 2022 at 03:58AM

Show HN: Active learning as a service for easy data selection

Show HN: Active learning as a service for easy data selection We are thinking about building a framework that can be used for unlabeled data selection (using active learning) to reduce human labeling budgets. And hope it can be easily used as a service, currently we are adding more SOTA active learning algorithms and there is a demo for you to play with! July 21, 2022 at 04:03PM

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC

Show HN: A better way of version controlling IAC I believe I've reached a point in my career, and used Terraform enough, that I can confidently say that the semver system for managing IAC code bases simply doesn't cut it anymore. I'd love more widespread feedback on how I currently propose we version control our IAC. If the feedback is constructive and forthcoming, I'll move this written piece to a more formal location. This is currently being tested, with extremely positive results, at Cisco (yeah, the networking company.) July 21, 2022 at 08:11AM

Show HN: I built an all-in-one virtual production platform for indies

Show HN: I built an all-in-one virtual production platform for indies After being frustrated with the budget and learning curve requirements of the big names in the Virtual Production field, I decided to create my own all-in-one platform designed with beginners and less-technical folk in mind. It takes complicated tasks in other engines (tracking, compositing, floor plans, etc.) and makes them two-click solutions. And, with the free companion mobile app, you can track cameras, scan your sets, and (coming soon) do full body motion capture! There's a ton more features that I'm super proud of, and I'm open to any and all feedback! Thanks! Https:// July 21, 2022 at 04:13AM

Show HN: qboard, a drawing app with Vim-style keybindings

Show HN: qboard, a drawing app with Vim-style keybindings I was frustrated with drawing apps where the eraser was E and the pen was P. Often, when I'm drawing, I want to quickly erase and then switch back to the pen. As one of my hands is on my mouse or tablet, I have to use my other hand to reach across the keyboard. I wanted a drawing app with customizable keybindings, so I made qboard a while back and have used it since. I talk more about the design principles on the Github repo: < >. July 20, 2022 at 02:14PM

Show HN: I built a handheld CHIP-8 game console to teach myself embedded systems

Show HN: I built a handheld CHIP-8 game console to teach myself embedded systems A while back I wrote a CHIP-8 emulator (which is considered the Hello, World! of emulators and is more accurately a virtual machine since historically CHIP-8 was an interpreted language running on top of the COSMAC VIP to make game programming easier). But a few months ago I got really interested in embedded software, so decided it would be neat to port my emulator to a STM32 MCU and design a console around it as a learning experience, since CHIP-8 never existed as a physical system. I didn't know much about embedded software when I began, and even less about electronics, but I managed to write all the firmware from scratch and even designed my first PCB, resulting in a finished (though not very polished) handheld CHIP-8 console. For those curious, the GitHub repo also has links to my dev blog about the project as well as a build guide. Thanks for looking! July 20, 2022 at 03:42A...

Show HN: I Fixed Journaling for Myself

Show HN: I Fixed Journaling for Myself Journaling is a great practice to learn more about yourself - if done daily. I tried it multiple times and couldn't stick to it. This project is how I finally fixed it for myself. It works by eliminating my excuses. There is only one question a day that I'll answer - no time spent on "finding the perfect topic". I only need to go to the page - not find my notebook or create a new note/paragraph in another app. I only left myself a relatively small input area, less than a page in a small notebook - that way the commitment doesn't feel too big. I really enjoy the process and it has become something that I do early in the morning - a little bit of time for myself. It's now public because I am sure it could work for you too. Bonus: The data is all local, the input will be saved in the browser (IndexedDB) while I type, no login necessary - the full journal is accessible as a CSV (bottom right). https://...

Show HN: PubKey – Communicate Privately in Anonymous Public Spaces

Show HN: PubKey – Communicate Privately in Anonymous Public Spaces A little while back I remember seeing a user on a certain anonymous imageboard asking for an invite to a selective email host. Only after a few minutes did the guy realize the perplexity of the situation. How do you insure against a race condition in a public forum with no way to direct message? Luckily, he nabbed the invite code, but it got me thinking about using PGP to provide a solution. This is meant to be a rough PoC and the UX is definitely not ready for the average Joe, but the functionality I'd like to think is there. Btw, "this page uses NO SERVER" just means it's static. I'm not trying to fool anyone lol. Edit: Source Code: July 18, 2022 at 03:23PM

Show HN: A just another Cron alternative but with much more capabilities

Show HN: A just another Cron alternative but with much more capabilities I have created a Cron alternative that runs DAGs (Directed acyclic graph) defined in a simple YAML format. Why not Airflow? Airflow and other similar tools are powerful and valuable, but in most cases, they require writing code to manage workflows. Our ETL pipeline is already hundreds of thousands of lines of complex code in Perl and shell scripts. Adding another layer of Python on top of this would make it difficult to maintain. Instead, we needed a more lightweight solution. So we developed Dagu, which requires no coding, and is easy-to-use and self-contained, making it ideal for smaller projects with fewer people. July 18, 2022 at 08:46AM