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Showing posts from December 25, 2022

Show HN: My programming language, building in public for 1 year

Show HN: My programming language, building in public for 1 year My weekly(ish) video logs tracking my progress of building a completely sound statically typed language and structural editor. The motivation is to make lots of invalid programs unrepresentable. January 1, 2023 at 05:42AM

Show HN: I made a simple, open source, chromatic tuner mobile app

Show HN: I made a simple, open source, chromatic tuner mobile app I'm a musician by night, software developer by day, and one of the minor frustrations I've always had was trying to find a simple tuner app for my phone. Looking at both the iOS and Android app stores, you'll find a lot of the top tuner apps are rather bloated with ads or subscription callouts. I thought I'd create a dead-simple minimalistic mobile chromatic tuner the way I would like it - open the app and tune my guitar. My work is in web with NodeJS and React, so I chose React Native since it was the easiest to understand coming from React. Flutter was also an option since the company I work for has a team working in that, but I thought it would be a bit too much effort to learn Dart. I learned a bit more about React rendering with this project as well. The main issue I had was trying to have a React state variable be constantly updated with any frequencies detected from the mic input, but that ended up...

Show HN: I built a possible alternative to social media RSS

Show HN: I built a possible alternative to social media RSS Hi there, I built a chrome extension to grab new posts from social media. Instagram, twitter, Pinterest, etc don't really allow for RSS so I worked on this alternative to get new posts. Hope this might be useful for some of you. December 30, 2022 at 11:15PM

Show HN: – Front-Page Articles Summarized with Machine Learning

Show HN: – Front-Page Articles Summarized with Machine Learning Hey HN, I've built a little website to show news articles with a summary so that I don't have to RTFA if I just want a rough sense of what it covers :) I also share the summaries in an RSS feed for those who'd prefer to use their own reader. Let me know what you think! December 30, 2022 at 06:58PM

Show HN: Simple weather for your zip code

Show HN: Simple weather for your zip code Weather applications are bloated. This is the simplest implementation I could make using data from the API. This simple weather application will retrieve the current 7-day weather for any of more than 33,000 US zip codes. To customize weather for your zip code, change the URL. The current URL is set to the zip code 90210. If you want both news and weather, that is available here: December 30, 2022 at 10:06AM

Show HN: Zcached, in-memory key-value cache wire-compatible with memcached

Show HN: Zcached, in-memory key-value cache wire-compatible with memcached zcached is an in-memory key-value cache exposing a memcached ASCII protocol-compatible interface, built on pluggable cache engines like Ristretto and freecache [0]. It's not performance-competitive with memcached, especially at higher thread counts. That said, it achieves about 1.1M ops/s, but at significantly higher P99 and P999 latency (as measured by memtier). See [1] and [2] for benchmark results from my 7950x-based workstation. Disclaimer: This is a hobby project created for fun while hacking over the holidays. zcached is not a commercial product and never will be. Don't use it in production; consider this a technology demo more than anything. I don't expect the source code to build outside of my environment, but for those interested in playing with it, binary artifacts are available at [3]. Try `zcached --address tcp:localhost:11211`. [0] , [1] memc...

Free Muni for New Year’s Eve

Free Muni for New Year’s Eve By Stephen Chun For the 23rd consecutive year, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) will offer free rides on New Year’s Eve from 8 p.m. on Saturday, December 31 through 5 a.m. on Sunday, January 1. Extra Muni Metro Subway Service will be provided from 8 p.m. Saturday to 2:15 a.m. Sunday. Extra Owl Service will be provided from 10 p.m. Saturday to 5 a.m. Sunday This program supports San Francisco’s Vision Zero goal to eliminate traffic fatalities. Ride Muni Free New Year’s Eve  includes all Muni lines and routes. Clipper Card customers should NOT tap their cards to make sure they don’t get charged a fare. Muni Mobile passes will not be necessary. Metro fare gates will be open that night. All information, including schedules and stops, will be posted on New Year's Eve Free Muni and Extra Service or . Clipper Card customers should NOT tap their cards to make sure they don’t get charged a fare. Don’t drink and ...

Show HN: GPT Classifies HN Titles

Show HN: GPT Classifies HN Titles With all the "what can GPT do", I went to dabble with it to see if I could do something that plays to its strengths rather than just speculating about "would it be good at that?" The basis for the prompt is: Classify following titles into one or more of {US Politics}, {World Politics}, {Technology}, {Security}, {Current Events}, {Boasting}, {Curiosity}, {Unknown} The results from the front page as I type this: 34152137 Technology: Lite XL: A lightweight text editor written in C and Lua 34151880 Curiosity: Hydrochloric acid is more complicated than you think 34156235 World Politics, Current Events: Apple Japan hit with $98M in back taxes for missing duty-free abuses 34152333 Technology: The Architecture of the Lisa Personal Computer (1984) [pdf] 34151951 Curiosity: The Zen anti-interpretation of quantum mechanics (2021) 34155009 Unknown: Added 49 volumes of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee law 34145665 Tech...

Show HN: Merry Sky, Dark Sky replacement and merry-timeline open source lib

Show HN: Merry Sky, Dark Sky replacement and merry-timeline open source lib Hello HN, This is a website I worked on during the holidays to fill the void of the upcoming dark sky shutdown. For me, the precipitation timeline was a view I was heavily relying on for everyday activities and planning. I had not found any replacement from the various weather apps. When I found as a backend API, it gave me the motivation to put the pieces together and get back the experience I enjoyed. I then added more functionalities that I think was missing from the website such as a weekly chart view. I've been using the website reliably over christmas holidays. Hope you enjoy it too! Also I open sourced the visual component for drawing the precipitation timeline and you can use it for drawing weather information or any other hourly activities really Interested in your feedback! December 28, 2022 at 05:14AM

Show HN: Predicting the Greenest time to use electricity (AU)

Show HN: Predicting the Greenest time to use electricity (AU) Hello all, I built this for fun this year. It may be able to help: - reduce your carbon footprint, - eg. see the best time to charge your EV - eg. hook up a smart heating/cooling system? - learn more about how the renewables transition Currently limited to the Aus National Electricity Market, sorry... Feedback and questions appreciated! December 27, 2022 at 05:20AM

Show HN: Eleven – open-source alternative to Codespaces

Show HN: Eleven – open-source alternative to Codespaces Hey HN, Eleven is the second project that I've built to learn Go. It lets you create a code sandbox in your cloud provider account easily. What's a "code sandbox"? Just a VM, running in your cloud provider account, with some runtimes pre-installed, your repositories cloned, a way to connect to it with your preferred editor (or via SSH) and a way to serve your apps easily via HTTP (with automatic HTTPS). You could use it to deploy your app, as a remote development environment or even to test some code. It's up to you. For example, to deploy a Node.JS app: $ eleven aws init hello-world --runtimes node@18.7.0 --repositories eleven-sh/hello-world > Success! The sandbox "hello-world" was initialized. $ ssh eleven/hello-world forever node index.js > Forever: command started. Run "forever stop" in current path to stop. $ eleven aws serve hello-world 8000 --as > Success! T...

Show HN: Secure end-to-end client sessions and API calls using crypto key pairs

Show HN: Secure end-to-end client sessions and API calls using crypto key pairs Hello. I made this project as an experiment in using key cryptography for user identity in a client <-> server model, and for some future peer to peer projects that I am working on. I am looking for feedback, please let me know what you think. Also, Merry Christmas to HN! :-) December 26, 2022 at 04:07AM

Show HN: Bespoke Artist Website Hosting

Show HN: Bespoke Artist Website Hosting Merry Christmas everyone! We started offering hosting services for our musical artists at our record label Epsilon Records ( ) and we recently decided to open the offering further. Consider it boutique high-touch hosting at a good value for a very niche musical artist audience (bands/producers/musicians). We offer a choice of the WordPress or Ghost platform but can also handle custom requirements for the more technical customer. Get in touch and let’s nerd out over how we can help you meet your musical and artistic hosting needs. And now a word from ChatGPT: "Why choose Epsilon for your musical hosting needs? There are several reasons why you may want to choose a hosting provider that specialises in music: * Expertise: A hosting provider that specialises in music will have a deep understanding of the specific needs and requirements of music websites. This includes things like fast loading times for streaming audio and ...