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Showing posts from February 27, 2022

Show HN: CL and FB reselling app with auto renew and auto price reduction

Show HN: CL and FB reselling app with auto renew and auto price reduction I recently moved apartments and had a lot of stuff I wanted to get rid of. I found the reselling process to be cumbersome – I needed to post the same info twice, to both Facebook and Craigslist. I had to renew the items so they don't expire. I also had to reduce the item prices if they didn't sell. So I decided to do what any right minded overzealous, "pragmatic" software engineer does – instead of spending 10 minutes every few days reducing the prices and renewing the items, why not spend 3 weeks to build out a fully decked out Electron app that does all of the above automatically for you? Why not indeed... In the end, it's been a fun ride and I learned a lot. And actually! now it's coming in handy as I'm finally starting to sell the backlog of items that I've accumulated. Once I built it, I figured I'd offer it on gumroad, make a buck, why not... btw, the link is for a disc...

Muni Customer Satisfaction Survey

Muni Customer Satisfaction Survey By Jeanne Brophy The results of the 2021 Muni Customer Satisfaction Survey reflect ridership impacts and concerns during the global pandemic and a local shelter-in-place order. As a result, Muni reduced service and experienced significantly lower ridership demand.  Muni was able to provide service to essential workers along with protecting its front-line workforce and the overall financial outlook for the agency. Survey respondents gave us a 57 percent overall positive satisfaction rating. Topping the customer list of most important attributes were accessibility, cleanliness, and operator helpfulness. Highlights of the 2021 Muni survey: 57 percent of Muni riders rate its overall service as “good” or “excellent” – a 2% decline from 2019 Low-income riders rate Muni service higher now than before the pandemic indicating our data-driven service delivery was aligned to the public need of focusing on essential workers and the transit dependent: ...

Show HN:

Show HN: Tech recruiting and interviewing sucks. So I created to hold recruiters to account. The elevator pitch reads: Interviewing for a role in a highly sought after tech company is broken. Recruiters have incentive to get as many people in for interviews, with little to none (or incorrect) information. Questions often have little to do with on-the-job responsibilities, and are rarely communicated to recruiting and back to the candidate. By having a more transparent process is not only more equitable, but will lead to greater success for candidates and recruiters. aims at demystifying the recruiting and tech interview process. March 4, 2022 at 10:34AM

More 20 MPH Streets Coming Soon Near You

More 20 MPH Streets Coming Soon Near You By Christine Osorio Last October when California Assembly Bill 43 (Friedman) was signed into law, we posted a blog about which gave cities new flexibility in setting speed limits—specifically reducing them. “Speed Management,” a reference that is still in development, focused on reducing speed limits in key business activity districts where at least 50% are dining or retail. Since the bill went into effect last month, we’ve already started lowering speed limits by 5 MPH (from 25 MPH to 20 MPH) in the first phase of approved corridors, four of which have been implemented:  San Bruno Avenue, from Silver to Paul avenues (Completed January 2022)  Polk Street, from Filbert to Sutter streets (Completed January 2022)  Haight Street, from Stanyan Street to Central Avenue and from Webster to Steiner streets (Completed February 2022)  24th Street, from Diamond to Chattanooga streets and from Valencia Street to San Bruno...

Show HN: WAPM – WebAssembly Package Manager

Show HN: WAPM – WebAssembly Package Manager Hi HN! I’m Syrus, from the Wasmer team. We just released the new version of WAPM that is an order of magnitude better than the previous one (that we also announced here in HN two years ago! [0]), enabling an incredible experience for using and publishing WebAssembly packages. The tech stack that we are using includes: * Python and Django (for the backend) with Graphene (for the open GraphQL API [1]) and Django Channels with websockets over GraphQL [2] for subscriptions * Next.js [3] with React-Relay [4] and Tailwind.css [5] for the frontend * WebAssembly and Wasmer [6] (for the online shell) Vercel for serving the frontend and GCP for serving the backend. Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be very happy to answer them! March 3, 2022 at 01:22AM

Show HN: I made a WebGL-based app that traces images using circles

Show HN: I made a WebGL-based app that traces images using circles I was fascinated by this [0] and this video [1]. After many struggles, I finally built this app that traces images using circles similar to what these videos had shown. The most challenging part (to me) is to find a way to convert images to vector lines. I had tried Potrace, but its output is not suitable for my use case: too many small elements share the same border. Potrace's goal is to represent the original image faithfully using vector lines. But I want to trace the image edges. After searching and trying some Potrace alternatives in vain, I finally found my keyword. Surprisingly (to me), it lies at the end of the wiki page of the very topic [2]. Then I found a paper [3] that has nice pseudocode and a C implementation. I rewrote the pseudocode in Rust because I wanted to experiment with rustwasm. Honestly, I didn't care much about the math behind it. From then, I could continue to finish the app and show it...

SFMTA Budget Priorities for FY 2023 to FY 2024

SFMTA Budget Priorities for FY 2023 to FY 2024 By Andrea Buffa It’s budget season!  Every two years, the SFMTA develops a consolidated budget to guide the agency’s decisions about where to focus our funding to best meet the transportation needs of all San Franciscans. We’re developing a budget that’s designed to support San Francisco’s economic recovery, increase transportation equity, protect the environment and keep the agency on sound financial footing.   We presented the base budget (projected revenues and expenditures for the next two years if we made no changes and continued our current policies) to our Board of Directors in early February to get their feedback and are now seeking input from the public. Your feedback will help us understand what to change in our base budget: which investments are most important to San Franciscans and which new revenue sources you think we should pursue. We’re considering both fare increases and decreases as well as changes to parkin...

Show HN: Type2Learn – Learn by typing the webpage text in the browser itself

Show HN: Type2Learn – Learn by typing the webpage text in the browser itself Ever happened that while reading a long article, you cannot concentrate and read the same line again and again? Try this extension now! Read the text by typing it on the webpage itself. Practice your touch typing by monitoring your speed, errors you make, and accuracy in real-time. Chrome store link: March 2, 2022 at 12:21AM

Show HN: A more social, Amazon-free alternative to Goodreads

Show HN: A more social, Amazon-free alternative to Goodreads Hey HN, I know reading books isn’t everyone’s thing, but it’s certainly been mine for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, I felt like the online book space was missing a platform that does the book community justice. Goodreads is the go-to "social platform", but if you've been on Goodreads before, you'll probably agree that it's not all that social, and overall not all that exciting. So I set out to build what I personally was looking for (but could never find). The goal: to give the book community a more social and streamlined alternative to Goodreads or StoryGraph. We also felt like it was important for Booqsi to be independent of Amazon; we care about supporting local bookstores, so every book in Booqsi links you to to purchase that book (not Amazon). Here are some of my favorite features launched as part of beta: - A book-focused social feed (finally!) - Beautifully-rendered custom...

Show HN: Language aware diff on GitHub PRs

Show HN: Language aware diff on GitHub PRs Hi HN! We were frustrated with text diffs on GitHub PRs, so we made DiffLens ( ). DiffLens constructs an Abstract Syntax Tree for each file, and uses that semantic information to intelligently diff changes. Checkout the demo on our website ( ). Getting started with DiffLens is easy! Simply install the app on your repositories. The next time you open a PR, DiffLens will automatically create a diff for your changes. If you review code, especially TypeScript, JavaScript or CSS, give DiffLens a try! We're always looking for feedback. If you encounter bugs, or want to give us feedback, we'll be around. You can also reach us at February 28, 2022 at 10:53PM

Show HN: I Created a Chrome Extension for PG: TRAB (Tweet Reporter and Blocker)

Show HN: I Created a Chrome Extension for PG: TRAB (Tweet Reporter and Blocker) A few days ago I saw this tweet from PG: ...and guessed it shouldn't be too hard to make a chrome extension to do this (I had never made a chrome extension before) So I took a stab at it - took me a bit over a day to make it, and it was fun to put together. I responded to his tweet with the link to the extension but I'm not sure if he would've seen it. February 28, 2022 at 11:32PM

Show HN: Rebluff Poker, no limit hold'em for loose-aggressive players

Show HN: Rebluff Poker, no limit hold'em for loose-aggressive players Hello, I'm uberf1sh, software engineer (I've previously worked for Amazon and Fortnite, though obviously none of the following as to do with my previous employers). My cousin introduced me to online poker in 2008 and I loved it instantly, playing $2 cash games for fun and glory. Though I was initially pretty bad, I had a lot of fun playing. Indeed, in 2008 the game was really amazing because it was so chaotic and full of crazy plays, your blood was pumping before even sitting at the table. Fast forward I was able to make $1000 a day in Vegas, spending it all on sneakers, restaurants and some other unspeakable stuff (you know the drill, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas). 5 years ago, things started to take a real bad turn for online poker. The game slowly but surely became incredibly boring. Most regular players started to all adopt a strategy called tight-passive . Tight means you play only the best s...

Show HN: Datagridxl.js v2 – no-nonsense fast Excel-like data table lib

Show HN: Datagridxl.js v2 – no-nonsense fast Excel-like data table lib Hello HN, I’m Robbert, the creator of DataGridXL.js. After 1,5 years of hard work I have just released version 2. DataGridXL is a free (and commercial) editable data table library written in ES6. My goal is to develop the most performant & user-friendly spreadsheet-like data table out there: - It has zero dependencies. You don’t need any framework to use DataGridXL. - It is lightweight (~250kb) and easy to use. It does not even require messing with CSS. - It has its own Virtual DOM implementation to prevent DOM errors. - Developer friendly. Supports all modern web browsers Please take a look at the performance demo ( ) to see the difference with other data grids out there. And let us know if you have any suggestions. What's new in version 2: * Rapidly search cells via top bar, just like Google Sheets. * Freeze any amount of rows and/or columns. * Hide and unhide rows and/or columns, ju...

Show HN: Create customizable, short URLs for Stack Overflow profiles

Show HN: Create customizable, short URLs for Stack Overflow profiles When building my personal site, I realised that Stack Overflow seemed to be one of the (or rather, the only) platforms that didn’t allow users to create a short, username-based link. Enter: February 27, 2022 at 11:10PM