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Showing posts from January 23, 2022

Show HN: CraftBox, Run a Minecraft Server on Your Phone

Show HN: CraftBox, Run a Minecraft Server on Your Phone I want to share my newest Android app with everyone on HN. CraftBox allows you to easily run a Minecraft server on your Android device. It is published in the Play Store, , and posted on GitHub: I know I am late to the Minecraft scene. I am a bit old to have been part of the original craze, but I now have a son who loves the game. Now that I have played it with him, I can see the appeal. I am an open source developer and the creator of UserLAnd, , so when I get excited about something, I am always thinking about how I can get involved and contribute to the community. I read an article on how to run a Minecraft Server on your phone, , but I figured I could do better by not making people go through as many steps. So, that is a goal... make this simple. This is the first public release and there are many things that can be improved. You can...

Show HN: Replace “NFT” with “silly JPEG” while browsing

Show HN: Replace “NFT” with “silly JPEG” while browsing Hey HN, Years ago PanicSteve wrote a hilarious Chrome extension to replace all instances of "Cloud" with "Butt". This year, I got annoyed at seeing inane NFT articles everywhere. Thus, NFT-to-Silly-JPEG was born. Repo above or Chrome Web Store: January 26, 2022 at 11:32PM

Show HN: Random Data Generator for arbitrary data types

Show HN: Random Data Generator for arbitrary data types Datasino is a command line tool that can come handy when load testing a service or database. Give it a data schema (many compound types supported, including recursive types), an encoding (JSON, CSV or ClickHouse) and a target (a file or a Kafka partition) and a data rate and it will generate a reasonably optimized (native code) random data source. See the top of the README for some examples. If you have any ideas on how to extend this tool so that it's useful to more people, please let me know. January 26, 2022 at 05:38AM

Show HN: SPyQL – SQL with Python in the middle

Show HN: SPyQL – SQL with Python in the middle SPyQL ( ) is SQL with Python in the middle, an open-source project fully written in Python for making command-line data processing more intuitive, readable and powerful. Try mixing in the same pot: a SQL SELECT for providing the structure, Python expressions for defining transformations and conditions, the essence of awk as a data-processing language, and the JSON handling capabilities of jq. How does a SPyQL query looks like? $ spyql “ IMPORT pendulum AS p SELECT ( - p.from_timestamp(purchase_ts)).in_days() AS days_ago, sum_agg(price * quantity) AS total FROM csv WHERE department.upper() == 'IT' and purchase_ts is not Null GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 TO json” < my_purchases.csv In a single statement we are 1) reading a CSV (of purchases) with automatic header detection, dialect detection, type inference and casting, 2) filtering out records that do not belong to the IT department or do not have a purchas...

Bus Testing on the New Van Ness BRT Corridor a Success

Bus Testing on the New Van Ness BRT Corridor a Success By Nehama Rogozen Muni and Golden Gate Transit staff recently conducted important bus operations testing that is an important step towards the Van Ness Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor opening this spring. This testing included emergency turns and maneuvers, repositioning buses, verifying signals are working, clearances between passing buses and safe turns while bike racks are deployed.   The training also included several staff. Traffic engineers made sure traffic and transit signals were working and reviewed street markings. Transportation planners coordinated closely with operations, training, engineering and construction staff to make necessary adjustments. Outreach staff and ambassadors answered questions and made sure customers knew testing was taking place. Field manager...

Show HN: A full AR helicopter action game built as a Snap lens

Show HN: A full AR helicopter action game built as a Snap lens I built a complete game using Snap's AR platform in about 6 weeks. I'd been intrigued by Snap's AR ambitions and wanted to kick the tires on their platform. The YouTube video description contains a link to the Lens: How to play: - Joypad y axis moves the helicopter along the ray pointing from the camera. You can therefore tilt the phone up to fly "up". - Altitude is also controlled by aiming the phone. The helicopter tries to match the altitude of a point that is fixed in front of the camera. So you can move up by aiming up or by actually lifting the phone higher. - Joypad x axis strafes. - If you lose track of the helicopter, a blue arrow will appear after about 5 seconds. - Blow up enemies and try to stay alive :) How it works under the hood: - Loads of JavaScript. Lenses are surprisingly programmer-friendly. As a non-artist, this is great. Almost everything can be driven co...

Show HN: My new platform. Check it out

Show HN: My new platform. Check it out This platform is an experimental social network solely based on soundclips. SONAR is meant to encourage genuine conversation and entertainment. I believe audio culture in the form of this app could create a community that is safe, smart, and more human than many of the current social media platforms. January 25, 2022 at 10:55PM

Show HN: Moderator,lightweight peer4peer anon forum

Show HN: Moderator,lightweight peer4peer anon forum hello all! here's a link to my little pinteresting like forum that stores no data on the server and uses IPFS for image storage. The design aesthetic is that everything would in 64kb of memory so we're going for a collapse-proof low bandwidth experience. this makes moderator really fast. is the web preview, a flutter client is in the works at take a look, post something fun, ask questions. I'm also on twitter @moderatorium in case interested. Have fun! January 26, 2022 at 12:23AM

Show HN: Let's Block It – Custom uBlock Origin Filters Made Easy

Show HN: Let's Block It – Custom uBlock Origin Filters Made Easy uBlock Origin is more than an ad-blocker, it's a general purpose content filter that can be leveraged to hide low-quality content from pages you browse. While the main filter lists can remove mailing list popups and obvious nags, the definition of low-quality content is personal, so one size cannot fit all. I used to have an ad-hoc script to render and publish a personal uBlock Origin filter list, added to all my browsers. The goal of this project is to enable more people to build such a list custom list to filter out low-quality content and nags. Chose from a list of community-maintained templates, set your options, add your custom rules, and get your personal filter list. January 24, 2022 at 07:41PM