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Showing posts from March 27, 2022

Show HN: Lisp in Five Days

Show HN: Lisp in Five Days Hi HN! I kept hearing about Lisp and why it was special but didn't have a great place to start. I wanted something self-contained that helped me develop intuition rather than fluency. My hope is this is helpful for casual programmers, professionals from other fields who interact with code, or engineers who haven't had much exposure to interpreters or compilers. Hope this helps anyone else who's curious about getting a sense of Lisp and what makes it special with a limited time investment! Feedback or other cool Lisp things welcome :) April 2, 2022 at 12:49AM

Show HN: A VSCode extension that farts as you type

Show HN: A VSCode extension that farts as you type With April Fools' Day coming up, I thought I'd share my VSCode extension again: Whoopee cushion keyboard. When installed, it makes fart noises as you type. And with the new version I just released, you can now enable this per language (command palette: "This is a smelly business"). So if a coworker who doesn't like CSS happens to leave their desk without locking their screen, who knows what might happen... March 31, 2022 at 03:35PM

Women Pioneers at Muni: Adeline Svendsen and Muni’s First Newsletter

Women Pioneers at Muni: Adeline Svendsen and Muni’s First Newsletter By Jeremy Menzies To close out Women’s History Month, here’s a look back at one woman whose work to bring Muni staff together in the late 1940s created a legacy that lives on to this day. Adeline “Addy” Svendsen was founding editor of Muni’s first internal newsletter, “ Trolley Topics .” Adeline Svendsen sits at her desk in the Geneva Carhouse office building in this 1949 shot. Trolley Topics was a new venture when it started in February 1946. As Svendsen wrote in the first issue it was created, “to bring a little fun, a little news, and a lot of good will to all our fellow employees in the Railway.” Just two years prior in 1944, Muni merged with the Market Street Railway Company, expanding the small municipal operation into the largest transit provider in the city with hundreds of employees, vehicles of every shape and size, and dozens of facilities scattered across town. The newsletter was meant to help unite ...

Show HN: Visualize SQL Queries

Show HN: Visualize SQL Queries My co-worker and I were debugging a SQL issue; having not seen SQL in two years, I embarrassed myself by confusing union vs. join. After this episode, I tried refreshing my SQL memory, but there are few websites that animate SQL for you. Most of them just have a series of images to help you visualize. There are a few tools that are quite good and robust (especially for large/complex use cases) but require installation and are too complex for my simple purpose. So, just created a small tool to help visualise SQL. Most of the animations are just my understanding of how SQL works. Would love to know what you think? Do you also visualise some of the queries like that in your head? Any feedback would be gold. Btw you can also edit queries and see different results (but its a bit limited). Have fun ;) March 29, 2022 at 05:00AM

Show HN: Ingredients for Change

Show HN: Ingredients for Change For far to long ingredient parsers been unavailable to the public. Either due to obsene complexity: Or because of the dreaded paywall: Wait no longer, I introduce PyIng. An easy to use python package for changing this "2 ounces of spicy melon" into this {name: melon, unit: ounces, qty: 2.0}. March 29, 2022 at 01:19AM