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Show HN: Swap.js – a JavaScript micro-framework (HTML fragments over the wire)

Show HN: Swap.js – a JavaScript micro-framework (HTML fragments over the wire) Hi HN! I created this lib in the need of a simple and tiny framework to easily do AJAX-style navigation / replacement of fragments in the page, in a web application. For people who don't want to use client-side-rendering and complex frameworks à la React, there are nowadays a few "HTML-over-the-wire" libraries, like HTMX, Unpoly or this super-tiny one Swap.js :) One other key thing is that no external tool is needed: no bundler, no webpack, no TypeScript compiler, no minification needed. Just write HTML, JS (+ your preferred server-side language: PHP, Python, etc.) and it works. The framework makes use of fetch (of course) but also MutationObserver API to be able to launch actions when parts of the DOM change. Let me know what you think! May 19, 2023 at 12:04AM


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