Show HN: Yesterday I open sourced StratusGFX, a realtime 3D rendering engine It's been closed source for a long time while I worked on it on and off as a hobby research project, but yesterday the repo was made public for the first time under the MPL 2.0 license. A feature reel showing its capabilities can be found here: A technical breakdown of a single frame can be found here: It's still in a very beta state (bugs and instability expected), but I felt like it was a good time to make it public since a lot of its core features are mostly presentable. I plan to continue working on it in my spare time to try and improve the usability of the code. Two main use cases I could see for it: 1) People using it for educational purposes. 2) People integrating it into other more general purpose engines that they're working on since Stratus is primarily a rendering engine. Any extensions to the rendering code that are made public would then further help others. So I think it will remain very niche but I'm hoping it will still be helpful for people in the future. March 30, 2023 at 03:55PM
Show HN: Tape It, iOS recording app for musicians Hello HN, Over the last 15 months, two friends and I developed the music recording app we felt we wanted based on our own needs as musicians. It's called Tape It [1] and has just recently hit the Apple App Store [2]. We put a lot of effort into a good UX to help musicians really focus on playing their instrument instead of pretending to be a recording engineer. The app records in stereo on newer iPhones (although that's a premium feature; the free version only records in standard mono audio quality). I would be really grateful for advice from this community on how to best approach marketing. We had a great TechCrunch article covering our launch [3], and we posted it on various music websites. Turns out advertising on Google or Apple Search is a dark art, though. We have some good ideas for developing a good social media presence, but they will take time. Please hit us with feedback, opinions and advice that you think a young ind...