Show HN: Simple Log Alerts to Slack There are many log alerting systems on the market. The best known is probably Datadog. There’s also Logtail, Papertrail, Splunk, Logstash and others. These are well put together products with a host of great features, such as excellent UIs, sophisticated live searching via web interfaces and sometimes query languages and alerting. They require various levels of installation and they have costs, either through volume-based tiered systems or monthly payments. For a bootstrapped business, this can be problematic, for instance when a surge of logs - indicating a possible important problem that needs to be solved - pushes volume on to another tier. Should the “log ransom” be paid? Instead, I recalled from earlier times surely the simplest log watcher: Swatchdog [1]. It is rather venerable software. Its file history from its source download shows dates in 2015, but it was written much earlier - the 90s or possibly 80s by Todd Atkins [2]. We wanted to have alerts in Slack - the blog explains how we did it. In short: *very simply*. The code is available [3]. [1]: [2]: [3]: March 6, 2023 at 04:10PM
Show HN: Tape It, iOS recording app for musicians Hello HN, Over the last 15 months, two friends and I developed the music recording app we felt we wanted based on our own needs as musicians. It's called Tape It [1] and has just recently hit the Apple App Store [2]. We put a lot of effort into a good UX to help musicians really focus on playing their instrument instead of pretending to be a recording engineer. The app records in stereo on newer iPhones (although that's a premium feature; the free version only records in standard mono audio quality). I would be really grateful for advice from this community on how to best approach marketing. We had a great TechCrunch article covering our launch [3], and we posted it on various music websites. Turns out advertising on Google or Apple Search is a dark art, though. We have some good ideas for developing a good social media presence, but they will take time. Please hit us with feedback, opinions and advice that you think a young ind...