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Show HN: A userscript that adds archive URLs below the paywalled HN submissions

Show HN: A userscript that adds archive URLs below the paywalled HN submissions This userscript adds archive URLs to the metadata section of HN submissions without breaking the immersion. Here are 2 screenshots: GreasyFork: Source code: Now let me overexplain. -Why?- I never liked paywalled articles. I understand where they come from, but I don't like where we cross our paths. This is why I don't use major news aggregators anymore. Instead, I spend my "catching-up-with-the-world-time" on Hacker News. However, Hacker News (HN) also has its fair-share of paywalled articles. ( Around 11.6% according to my short-lived, half-assed attempt at measuring it. See my super old data I tell the story below.) -First try- Around a year ago, when I ran the above experiment, my goal wasn't to run that experiment. It was during my self-teaching & career-changing process, I decided to build a React HN clone. To make it stand-out from the bunch, I added a paywall feature. It would detect paywalled articles and would add an archive URL into the metadata. The issue with archiving is unless someone archived the link before on the {archiving-project} then the link is most likely not archived. So me sending people to those projects meant nothing. It kinda meant something for me from an ideological standpoint but I assume you are not me. This rubbed me the wrong way. I decided to build a backend (See ) that would scan the links and automatically to detect paywalls close to real-time and submit paywalled ones to for archival. I used Nodejs, Firebase, and React. I was -still am- really proud because I believed it was doing public good in terms of digital preservation. Only 1 person needed to run this script to benefit everyone. As an extra, I was curious on how many paywalled articles were being shared, by whom, at what time. So I also created some analytics functionality to gather the data. And later created a UI to present it. HN-Paywall-Archiver was great but I stopped running the backend at some point. Because at that point couldn't find a way to continuously run my backend code on some platform for cheap or didn't try hard enough. P.S. Recently I've been thinking of remaking this version with Cloudflare Workers. -Hacker News Paywall Archiver Userscript- After almost a year, I got into userscripts. Super great super awesome concept. People seem to hate javascript unless it is presented as a userscript. So I decided to get my hands dirty to create a simple solution that solves the paywall issue on HN without breaking any hearts. My solution is not perfect as it had to be simple. But here's the rundown. Pros: - Does not beg for attention. - Simple code, simple concept. - Unintentionally, indicates which submissions are paywalled without you interacting with anything. - Not-yet-archived archive links can make you feel like you are contributing to the society after you click on the "archive this URL" button on project page. - Uses HN html defaults, so I hope it plays well with the HN skins/plugins/userscripts you use. Cons: - It doesn't automatically archive the links. - It uses clone of a static list of paywalled websites sourced from a popular Chrome extension. ( ) So changing the paywall list is slow and manual. - No guarantees of archived links actually having the archive readily available for reading. Though there are currently 3 projects added, so it should be enough for most links. So, there you go. I hope you enjoy it. It can break occasionally due to changes in news.ycombinator code, if you let me know on Twitter, I can fix it ASAP. Otherwise you have to wait until I notice that the script is broken, which can take quite a while as I browse HN on mobile. November 30, 2022 at 05:08AM


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