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Show HN: RxJS Insights – a toolset for RxJS visualization

Show HN: RxJS Insights – a toolset for RxJS visualization Hi HN! I'd like to present you the thing that I'm building - the RxJS Insights. It was primarily created as something that allows for debugging complex RxJS streams, but after showing it to a few people it turned out that it might be more helpful in learning RxJS since it can visualize the observables execution step by step. The setup is somewhat similar to the Redux Devtools' one in a sense that it requires an application level component (the proper @rxjs-insights/* packages) to instrument the RxJS and to connect with the devtools. I invite you to try it out in your app (the setup is rather easy) or on StackBlitz (all links are in the readme). Thanks! November 7, 2022 at 03:02PM


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