Show HN: I wrote a book about overcoming the Metacrisis Hey HN! Recently published a book developing new frameworks of meaning and value informed by our most advanced cosmology and physics. It makes the argument for the necessity of spiritual revolution in order to free the abundance trapped in the world, a reimagination that interlinks the spiritual project to systemic reformation. The inspiration for the text draws from my history of social impact work and the frustrations and lessons learned along the way. If it's of interest you can learn more/read it/download it in a variety of formats for free at October 3, 2022 at 07:31PM
Show HN: Launch VM workloads securely and instantaneously, without VMs Hello HN! We've been working on a new hypervisor that can run strongly isolated containers. This is still a WIP, but we wanted to give the community an idea about our approach, its benefits, and various use cases it unlocks. Today, VMs are used to host containers, and make up for the lack of strong security as well as kernel isolation in containers. This work adds this missing security piece in containers. We plan on launching a free private beta soon. Meanwhile, we'd deeply appreciate any feedback, and happy to answer any questions here or on our slack channel. Thanks! April 29, 2021 at 07:50AM