Show HN: New UI for Hey HN, 10 years after the project began we have updated the UI for the cloud server comparison site known as This refresh brings a sticky filter bar so you can scroll and see what filters are applied, a more compact navbar, and improved UX for comparing instances. I've also fixed numerous long standing UI bugs including: comparisons now load correctly on RDS and ElastiCache, sort by max ENI works, sort by RDS instance storage works, and all dropdowns have consistent behavior. For maintainers and contributors, all the frontend libraries are upgraded to their latest versions, . Going forward, we are aware that the homepage size is quite large and have plans to address this. We have tried to be good stewards of this project and evolve it carefully. Eager to hear what you think of the new UI! August 25, 2022 at 12:29AM
Show HN: Launch VM workloads securely and instantaneously, without VMs Hello HN! We've been working on a new hypervisor that can run strongly isolated containers. This is still a WIP, but we wanted to give the community an idea about our approach, its benefits, and various use cases it unlocks. Today, VMs are used to host containers, and make up for the lack of strong security as well as kernel isolation in containers. This work adds this missing security piece in containers. We plan on launching a free private beta soon. Meanwhile, we'd deeply appreciate any feedback, and happy to answer any questions here or on our slack channel. Thanks! April 29, 2021 at 07:50AM