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Show HN: A link/news aggregator I am working on

Show HN: A link/news aggregator I am working on Hello HN, I'm building, a link/news aggregator that combines features of multiple other sites. I started building this site because I often found some features lacking in other websites. As example: You can format you text to be italic, red, blue or to be a spoiler. Comments are not threaded and don't include any voting feature. Omegapedia uses upvotes and downvotes for posts but shows them as separate numbers. I styled the page in darkmode but added an optional lightmode as well. I added "Trust-Points" and a leaderboard to show the 5 users with the most points. Other noteworthy features are: -Comment replies. -Flairs. -Adding a bio to your profile. -Mention users in comments. -Ability to add a email address to your account. -Forgot-my-password function. -Link posts. There is no need to add a email andress to your account and you will never be forced to. The site works on pc and mobile. The site is very lightweight because there are no CSS or JavaScript libaries that will have to be downloaded first. There are multiple ways to sort the posts and a way to show the recent comments so you can join a current discussion anytime. There is no register barrier and you will be automatically logged in a muted guest account. I am very interested in feedback and if you have any questions or comments please let me know, thank you! ======== Join me on omegapedia! August 5, 2022 at 10:55PM


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