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Show HN: Butt Mover - A butt triggered productivity and health improvement game

Show HN: Butt Mover - A butt triggered productivity and health improvement game Productivity timers needed to be triggered manually before each task, Making it a chore by itself, Often leading to us not using them after a while and They don't take health into consideration. Health timers are intrusive, Even then they are not always accurate and They don't take productivity into consideration. Butt Mover addresses those problems by using a butt trigger for automatically starting the productivity timer when we sit on the chair before our workstation and a break timer which reminds us to take a walk automatically when we get up. Butt Mover also incentivizes its usage through a Game. When the health(tasks/breaks) reaches zero its game over. I've been iterating different forms of Butt Mover over past two years and released the web application earlier this year(After feedback from several HN users). Today I'm making the core application open-source as I've committed myself to make the Health & Education applications I build open-source. I hope you'd use Butt Mover for yourself and build Butt Trigger for others to improve productivity and health. Feedback and contributions to improve the project is appreciated. August 5, 2022 at 12:55AM


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