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Show HN: Ordinary Puzzles, a free puzzle game inspired by Picross and Sudoku

Show HN: Ordinary Puzzles, a free puzzle game inspired by Picross and Sudoku Hello hello HN! I wanted to share with you Ordinary Puzzles, a little puzzle game I designed and developed in my free time, inspired by Picross and Sudoku. I already posted it here ages ago, but I wanted to share it again now that I updated it to also be playable online as a Progressive Web App. Ordinary Puzzles is open source, is built with React Native, and it’s available on the mobile app stores, on the web (as a PWA), and as an Electron app. Hope you give it a try! (Please don’t skip the short tutorial :P) P.S.: The puzzles come from (the author is credited and has been contacted before using them). July 31, 2022 at 11:31PM


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