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Show HN: In-depth photographic look at all the golf courses I play

Show HN: In-depth photographic look at all the golf courses I play I'm an avid golfer; it's my main hobby. I decided to start taking pictures of all the courses I play. While there's a lot of golf websites out there, none of them really try to document the courses in depth and look at each hole, along with the course facilities like the practice areas. I live in Chicago and am starting with the courses in this area (of which there are dozens of public courses to play). While I play golf, I take photos with my phone of every (relevant) aspect of the golf course I can think of. Then they're processed and organized on the website. Obviously I'm starting this journey on my own, and in that sense it's not scalable. I won't be able to visit all the courses in the US, let alone the world. I hope to find others that would like to contribute to the effort. At some point I'd like to add course news and histories to the site. Many golf courses in the US are over 100 years old and have rich histories. And of course many older courses exist in Europe. I also have started adding descriptions/commentary for each hole on courses. For example, see: And maybe went a little overboard on this one: Anyway, it's a fun project and could go in a lot of directions. PS: I'm always looking to expand my golfing circle. If you're in Chicago and want to play sometime, hit me up -- contact details are on the website. June 24, 2022 at 01:53AM


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