Show HN: With a 9-5 job and 2 kids I have finally finished my first MVP Hello HN crowd. I worked on this project on weekends and evenings. I'm excited I made it into a presentable MVP, and it is so satisfying. I would like to get some honest feedback from this great community. I made, to scratch a personal itch. I myself trade options as a hobby, and I didn't find a screener that satisfies my need to be able to explore raw options data freely and without preset constraints. So I made this app that allows playing with options market data and extract interesting opportunities. The techs used: - Laravel + Jquery + Mysql - Tradier API for market data - DigitalOcean for hosting - OVH for domain name It costs me 5$/month to run the website. I'll be glade to continue if it proves to be a viable product in the long run and maybe I will take it to the next level and try monetize it. Note: the app is not suitable for phone screens yet, although this is a planned feature. August 27, 2021 at 02:36AM
Show HN: Launch VM workloads securely and instantaneously, without VMs Hello HN! We've been working on a new hypervisor that can run strongly isolated containers. This is still a WIP, but we wanted to give the community an idea about our approach, its benefits, and various use cases it unlocks. Today, VMs are used to host containers, and make up for the lack of strong security as well as kernel isolation in containers. This work adds this missing security piece in containers. We plan on launching a free private beta soon. Meanwhile, we'd deeply appreciate any feedback, and happy to answer any questions here or on our slack channel. Thanks! April 29, 2021 at 07:50AM